星期六 戰鬥格前一看LOL - 淺藍妖嬈彩妝-.-||| (enchanting makeup)

(1) 眼妝 Eyes Makeup
Shadow - colour: turquoise shimmer

首先, 因為我想個妝真係好濃同有多d層次,
所以我犯規用左眼影, 用左黎做打底,
Firstly, I used one eyeshadow to be the base
as I want the makeup looking more heavy and layers.

Star powder - colour: blue with turquoise highlights

之後用返近似但更加亮澤既閃粉, 做返個blending,
令到個顏色, 唔係得咁單調既淺藍色^^
star powder既密度高, 可以當眼影咁用, 有閃爍效果在!!!
Then, use the star powder to do blending to make different layers for the eye shadow.
Star Powder can apply as eye shadow because of its high density.

Star powder - colour: pink gold

另外, 我下眼影用左粉紅帶金既star powder黎做打亮既效果,
甜美得黎, 又可以同淺藍做到一個配搭效果!
Besides, the pink gold one can make the bright up effect,
good match with light blue colour! XD

MUF diamond powder - colour: baby mauve

呢個diamond powder 主要係做一個眼頭打亮既作用,
密度不高, 可以直接放於眼影上或眼頭, 都不會改變眼影顏色,
只會帶點光澤, 令眼睛更明亮.!
Diamond powder is mainly used for the highlight,
its density is low so it won't change the eye shadow colour.

眼睛放大圖 Eyes Close-Up:

顏色分佈圖 Colour Distribution:
< 1 2 3 >
標籤: 化妝  閃粉  美容  眼影  胭脂  唇膏  makeup  blogger  cosmetics  beauty  


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